Education Program:
Education Program: PCD has been carrying out the Education Program to ensuring education for poor & ultra poor people with the help of BRAC education support program (ESP). This program is implementing at the area of Horipur, Sikhola & Hundial Union under Chatmohar Upazila in Pabna District. PCD has started 10 Schools with 300 students, among them 190 are Girls & 110 are Boys. Now Pcd Has been BRAC supported school 30 and 3 school are pcd own fund. This program is implementing at the area of Horipur, Mulgram, debigram, foiljana union Under Chatmahor upazila in pabna District. PCD school are student 960. PCD has been Carrying out the education,program to ensuring for poor and all people with the help of PKSF support program (Enrich). This program is implementing at the area of Gunigacha union under Chatmohar Upzilla in Pabna District. PCD has 26 school with 604 students among them 289 girls and 315 are boys They teach 26 teachers.This program is always Monitoring Education Supervisor and Co-Coordinator.
Health Program:
PCD has been Carrying out health and nutrition program to ensuring for poor and all people with the help of PKSF support program (Enrich). This program is implementing at the area of Gunigacha union under Chatmohar Upzilla in Pabna District. PCD has also 7 health assailant in this union they cheek all people health and nutrition and major patient refer Hospital or Seattleite Clinic. Health Camp, StaTice Clinic.PCD aslo support medicine, Blood Grouping, eye surgary , Blood Suguar test and free madicial tretment. This program is always Monitoring Health Supervisor and Co-Coordinator. PCD has been also Carrying out health and nutrition program to ensuring for ultra-poor and all people with the help of funded by EC and Supported by PKSF(UPP UJJIBITO)program. This program is implementing at the area of pabna District under 15 branch office in PCD. PCD has 5 program officer social they check ultra-poor people health and nutrition, mijor patint refer to hospital. This program is always Monitoring program Co-Coordinator.