01. Agriculture & Livestock Program:
Majority people of our country live in the rural areas and they depend mainly on agriculture and agriculture based local business for livelihood. They could not make an optimal level production due to lack of capital and need based skills. Under the program PCD has been trying to increase their capital by providing credit support with PKSF fund and Provide training to build up their skill for update technologies. On the other hand, from this programme give them technical & financial support to implement Different type of Demonstrations. This programme covered with 01 upazila ( Chatmohar) in pabna district.
Group Saving:
PCD have carrying out the micro-credit program as well as motivate the own capital initiation (Individual savings) of the group members. As a result, the group savings increasing day by day and group savings are being collected in weekly basis. The organization is depositing the savings money in the Bank (FDR) so that any group member may easily refund their savings as per their requirement.
02. PCD HSI SDC Samriddhi Project:
PCD and Intercooperation Bangladesh the both parties are combine their efforts for contributing to the long term poverty reduction in poor and extreme poor households of Pabna sadar, Chatmohor, Atghoria and Iswardi Upazilas of Pabna district through the development of human and institutional capacities and better management of available resources. Women in particular are highly affected by poverty. Gender equality still remains a major challenge in all sectors of development. Because of their low resilience, extreme poor people are especially hit by natural disasters. The main approaches of Samriddhi are “Human and Institutional Development” (HID) and “Making Markets Work for the Poor” (M4P). HID will help the community platforms to work towards an empowering and enabling local environment and the MSEs and SPAs to take a strong role in business development, outreach and inclusiveness. The M4P approach will be directed to establish sustainable and inclusive market systems for the selected value chains. Samriddhi will strengthen its focus on poverty and extreme poverty which includes more targeted value chain interventions in terms of sector and geographic location. To achieve this, a set of eleven value chains has been selected according to their potential and poverty orientation. Besides the targeting of value chain interventions, an increased inclusion of the poor and extreme poor in both social and economic activities will be achieved through sensitization and capacity building of community leaders, MSEs and SPAs. Besides that, gender mainstreaming will contribute to the empowerment of women and improved situation of women entrepreneurs. The mainstreaming of DRR will contribute to protect the assets that the target households could establish with the support of the project. Poor in both social and economic activities will be achieved through sensitization and capacity building of community leaders, MSEs and SPAs. Besides that, gender mainstreaming will contribute to the empowerment of women and improved situation of women entrepreneurs. The mainstreaming of DRR will contribute to protect the assets that the target households could establish with the support of the project
Objective of Samriddhi Project:
Improvement of the Knowledge and skill of small and marginal farmers for better management of their homestead and land resources, diversification of production and processing activities and improved marketing in order to create additional opportunities for income generation.
Strengthening of farmers organizations and communities in order to enable them to identify their development priorities, arrange joint action, mobiles resources and service, exploit markets, defend their interests and rights and participate in local decision making process..
Development and strengthening of an enable environment that contributes to supporting farmers organizations and communities initiatives-including actions at the local and regional level..
Promotion of rights and social issues, particularly of the extreme poor, tribal and women through improving access to service and resources, promoting income generating activities and addressing as well as expressing their human rights.
Approaches of the Project:
Human & Institutional Development (HID): HID helps the community platforms to work towards an empowering and enabling local environment and MSEs & SPAs to take a strong role in business development, outreach and inclusiveness.
Livelihoods approach- that tries to identify the opportunities to develop farmer’s human, social, financial, physical and natural capital.
Market approach- targeting pro-poor economic growth with a better explosion of market, the creation of the new opportunities and the development of a socio-economic environment that benefits the poor.
Gender Mainstreaming: Considering the context of Bangladesh, gender mainstreaming will contribute to the empowerment of woman and improved situation of woman entrepreneurs.
Sharing meeting with Union Parishod & Upazila:
PCD-Samriddhi was organized a networking meeting at Union parishod and Upazila level with a view to coordination and smooth support to the CBO members. The relevant officer is satisfied to arrange this networking meeting and also committed to support as per need of CBO and community. In the meeting UNO satisfied to organize this program and sharing with his Upazila parishod at any kinds of cooperation for the community development.
Social development:
According to APO, Cluster organized some social activities such as Sanitation week, Tree plantation week, Environment day, International women’s day, International Human rights etc. Mass gathering those day observance and community people participated. As result CBO member were aware on the respective issues.
According to APO need Ward platform leader linkage with the concern organization / Institution and received their service as demand. They contact with the different office as Union Parishod, Mini garments (Panjabi design) , DAE, BRDB, NGO, Public health, Horticulture etc. In this year 93 members are approached and 48 are received service as the available resources and capacity. About 680 CBOs and 520 community member are received the service as their required necessary. Those service are Sanitary latrine 125 set, , order of Punjabi design 1200 piece, Training support from Horti-80 person, 30 Vaccination from Youth Dept. Etc.
Establishment of Handicrafts Sub- centre:
06 sub- centers are being established at 06 CPs at Gunaigasa and Horipur union of Chatmohar upazila with the coordination of 02 agents. In the reporting quarter, 220 (CBO-180, Com- 40) participants from these CPs and community received 03 months long training on product development. Now the participants are working smoothly and getting better wages.
Market Extension exercise & IGA support:
PCD-LEAF project have been working on market extension for understanding of marketing, increased rural income, to help the market chain effective dynamic, produce large volume of agricultural product. The objective of ME sessions are to develop farmer and CBOs capacity to create their own marketing opportunity. By the successful ME sessions CBO/ CPs developed and take diffetent IGAs and in curse of time, these are converted to MSEs.
03. Local Agri-business Network (LAN) Programme: supported by Katalyst – HELVATAS Swiss Intercooperation:
Local Agri-business Network (LAN) is a programme developed by Katalyst, a project of the Ministry of Commerce, implemented by Swisscontact and GIZ International Services and supported by UKAID, SDC, CIDA and the EKN. Katalyst is working to develop service markets particularly for small and medium (enterprises)sized businesses in Bangladesh with the aim of fostering economic development while taking into account the complexity of society and the global economy. Katalyst follows a pro-poor, market development (M4P) approach in promoting economic growth. Katalyst’s approach is designed to benefit the poor as producers, entrepreneurs, employees or consumers. The market development approach which Katalyst uses is based on the premise that better private and public sector business services and an improved enabling environment leads to more competitive enterprises, which in turn leads to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. In line with Katalyst’s approach, the Business Enabling Environment Group (BEEG) has been working for improving local government services delivery for rural farmers since May, 2006. It has been piloted this programme in 14 Upazillas in greater Rangpur and Jessore districts in collaboration with Asia Foundation. With the experience of pilot initiatives they planed to upscale the programme in 100 upazillas in 20 strategic districts in addition to existing 14 upazillas. At this that stage Katalyst selected HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Bangladesh as subcontractor and an agreement has been signed between Katalyst and IC in order to implement the LAN programme in the said upscale area. Afterward IC selected PCD, Pabna as an implementing partner of LAN Programme for in the preferred 6 districts of Kustia region (Kustia, Pabna, Maherpur, Foridpur, Rajbari & Magura).
The UZBMO-samity model is replicated in others Upazilas during the project period.
UZBMOs in targated Upazilas are regularly forming and inducting farmers’ samities.
UZBMOs in the targeted Upazilas are advocating with the local government agencies on different issues of the farmers.
UZBMOs in the targeted Upazilas have the organizational management capacity to cater the services of their member farmers.
Potential members of the PPIs are properly equipped with the skills and knowledge on forming and managing sector based PPIs.
Service delivery mechanism of the local government agencies is improved by using the UZBMO-samity model and PPI.
Buy-in of the government ministries and agencies about the UZBMO-samity model and its effectiveness.
The UZBMO-samity model is replicated in other areas of the country by the government.
04. Water and Sanitation:
PCD has been carrying out the programme of water and sanitation for ensuring promotion of safe water and sanitation amidst less privileged and underserved rural community with the help of NGO Forum. The main attention of the program is to develop the staff’s knowledge, skill and as well as increase the awareness of the beneficiaries. Under the component PCD took the task of sinking tube wells and installing sanitary latrines in its working area. Also PCD worker aware the program participants about the danger of water borne diseases. They motivated the reference people to use sanitary latrine in order to check the outbreak of water borne diseases.
The impact of sanitation program:
Latrine installs in the household level and farmers used hygienic latrine.
Farmers used tubewell water.
Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach disease are decreasing gradually.
05. Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Programme:
The Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Programme is the largest social safety net programme of the Government of Bangladesh that exclusively targets ultra poor households. About 750,000 direct ultra-poor participants across the country receive monthly food ration for the household and a development support services (inclusive of life skills and income generating skills training, savings and access to credit) for a cycle in 486 Upzzilas. To ensure sustainability of development results and to provide women with opportunities to further improve their livelihoods VGD participants are mainstreamed into regular NGO development programmes after completing the cycle. The NGO has been selected following the Guidelines of the public procurement regulation 2003 (PPR 2003).
The NGO shall aim to improve the socio-economic status of VGD women and make best effort in materializing it. The main objectives are to build the income-earning capacities of VGD women and to socially empower there thorough training on awareness raising, provision of training on variety of Income Generating Activities (IGAs), provision of credit and other support services during and beyond the food assistance period. VGD women shall graduate into the core development programme of NGO after completion of the contract period and NGO shall continue the follow up services to the VGD women for three years after the completion of VGD cycle. In this cycle (May 2013 to December 2014) PCD have been implementing VGD programme at Kamarkhand Upazalla in Serajgong District with 2069 beneficiaries.