01. Micro Credit Program:
PCD has been carrying out the Micro credit Program under financial assistance of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF).And Southast Bank This program was successfully implemented at the area of under Pabna , Natore , Sirajgonj district. This organization was taken loan availability in the poor and marginal farmer. Also easy access to micro credit function in the grass root people. PCD have been drawn a positive response and changed the man’s livelihoods in the working area by implementing this Micro-credit program.
Objective of Micro-Credit Program:
The objective of the micro-credit program is to provide loan for the poor people.
Socio-economic development of hardcore poor.
Employment and proper utilize the local resources.
Motivate and Create own fund.
Increase the Skill ness of the small business and trade
Create more acceptances on social activities.
Group Saving:
PCD have carrying out the micro-credit program as well as motivate the own capital initiation (Individual savings) of the group members. As a result, the group savings increasing day by day and group savings are being collected in weekly basis. The organization is depositing the savings money in the Bank (FDR) so that any group member may easily refund their savings as per their requirement.
Impact of Micro-Credit Program:
This program has created rural employment, saved the poor from clutches of Mohajans.
Dependency of women has reduced significantly on others.
Self-confidence, self-dignity has developed among the women borrowers as they are capable of doing something for their own.
Financial base of group members has established through their project, which virtually assist them to attain self dependent.
This program has reduced gender difference, as women are now enable to take part in decision Making progress in the family.
Increases the savings habit of the group member.
Increase the awareness of care of health, water & Sanitation.
PCD has been carrying out the Micro enterprise Program under financial assistance of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). This program was successfully implemented at the area of under Pabna , Natore , Sirajgonj district. This organization was taken loan availability in the medium farmer / business man who are interest to business in local area. Also some employment has been created in the locality. PCD have been drawn a positive response and changed the man’s livelihoods in the working area by implementing this Micro-enterprise program. In the mean time there are some enterprise are successfully function in the working area such as- poultry farm( eg), layering farm (meat), mini garments, medical center, Dairy farm, grocery business etc.
Objective of Micro- Enterprise Program:
The objective of the micro-enterprise program is to provide loan for the medium and macro business in the rural area.
Entrepreneur ship development in the working area.
Employment and proper utilize the local resources.
Motivate and Create own fund.
Socio-economic development of mid level people.
03. Ultra-Poor Program:
PCD has been carrying out the Micro credit Program under financial assistance of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). This program was successfully implemented at the area of under Pabna , Natore , Sirajgonj district. This organization was taken loan availability in the Hard-core poor, landless, devourse, adibashi etc. Also easy accesses to micro credit function in the grass root people. PCD have been drawn a positive response and changed the man’s livelihoods in the working area by implementing this Micro-credit program. In this time, already 493 samity formed with 7062 member. Loan distributed 36.5 crore taka among 3630 borrower.
04. Seasonal Loan Program:
PCD has been carrying out the Micro credit Program under financial assistance of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF). This program was successfully implemented at the area of under Pabna , Natore , Sirajgonj district. This program only based for season based crop/ agricultural cultivation. Such as- Boro rice, Amam rice, Winter vegetables cultivation, Summer vegetables cultivation, Fish cultivation etc. In mean time, PCD has been distributed cumlative 194.39 crore taka season based loan to 31638 members.
05. Micro-Finance for Marginal and Small Farmers Project (MFMSFP):
Microfinance has been extremely successful in getting in credit to the rural poor. This has had a substantial impact in terms of employment creation, poverty alleviation and women’s empowerment. A number of past and current IFAD funded projects have attempted to provide credit for small and marginal farmers. Recognizing the need for innovation in this area, for the past few years IFAD has sought to initiate a partnership with PKSF to introduce a new institutional approach to delivery of financial services to the farming community. This project covered with 04 upazila ( Chatmohar, Bhangura, Faridpur & Ishwardi) in pabna district.